Why construction need to incorporate plastic into the carbon agenda
The construction sector has a vital role in the transition to Net Zero Carbon and the world successfully achieving its global emissions reduction targets....
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In June we hosted our first Conversations with Changing Streams event. This was the first in a series of webinars we will be hosting throughout the year where we will bring together leading experts in education, environment and climate to discuss the impact of plastics.
These events will provide our audience with an opportunity to gain insight, ask questions and find out more about the challenges we face and how together we can effect change.
In this edition hosted by Brendon Kenny. Hear a very enlightening discussion from the panel which included Neal Maxwell, Founder of Changing Streams, Antoinette Vermilye Co-Founder of The Gallifrey Foundation, Amanda Keetley, Founder of Less Plastics and Claire Potter of One Circular World.
The panel showcased their passion and experience as they explored the impact plastics have on the environment and how we, as both businesses and individuals, can understand this impact, and how we can get involved to effect change. Our next event will be on Thursday 29th July. Find out more at https://www.changingstreams.org/events/
You can watch the whole event here